Milieukontakt Albania partner of the EmpowerMed project (Horizon 2020). The project addresses the challenge of energy poverty in the Mediterranean, with a particular focus on women’s inclusion and empowerment. Nine partners from 7 countries will carry out pilot campaigns in 6 locations. The project will last until 8/31/2023.


In the Mediterranean countries, coastal areas face a number of specific energy poverty challenges, notably related to the thermal comfort of housing. Buildings are barely isolated, often without heating systems at all, or very inefficient. An important element of energy poverty in these areas is also the cooling component. Energy poverty disproportionately affects women and women-led households. At the same time, women are an important player in the fight against energy poverty. The project will address the impact of energy poverty on human health.


The main objective of the EmpowerMed project is to contribute to reducing energy poverty in the Mediterranean by:


  1. Implementation of a series of practical measures for energy efficiency and the use of RES aimed at strengthening households in addressing energy poverty, with a particular focus on women and health,
  2. Assessing the effectiveness of the measures implemented and formulating policy recommendations, and
  3. Advocating for addressing policies and measures energy poverty among key players at local and European level.


The first step of the project will be to build networks of local actors in 6 pilot areas (Vlora – Albania, Barcelona – Spain, Marseille – France, Padua – Italy, Primorska – Slovenia, and Zadar – Croatia) and transfer the knowledge and experience crucial for capacity building of all actors involved in the implementation of practical measures. The core of the project is the implementation of practical measures to tackle energy poverty, such as community-based approaches, household visits, stand-alone approaches, small investment support and health workshops. The effectiveness and impacts of the actions implemented will be evaluated and analyzed, and the results will help to formulate policy recommendations. These key players will advocate in promoting policies against energy poverty.

#energy poverty, #energy, #Horizon2020



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