Pupils of “Meleq Gosnishti” from Elementary School in Permet were introduced to the topic of “Water importance and Air quality monitoring”, and visited Thermal Waters in Bënjë in Permet City to study their curative values.
Firstly, the pupils learned basic knowledge about water in our lives. The Earth is called the “Blue Planet” because of the large water distribution on the surface of this planet, only 0.6% of this amount of water is suitable for drinking. Water is found in rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, glaciers, air (in cloud form), as well as on land and under it. All of these forms are part of a hydrological cycle, in which each part of it has a certain amount of total amount of water on the planet. We all use water, so we are responsible for saving and protecting it from pollution.
There are two basic principles that each of us must keep in mind to protect water resources: Save and Protect! Good quality water is delivered to our homes and factories through the water distribution network. However, the leaks and the illegal connections of water are permanent and in some cases increase the water losses from the supply network.
- About 70% of the earth’s surface is covered with water.
- About 83% of our blood is made up of water;
- 65% of an animal’s weight is composed of water and about 60% of a tree’s weight is composed of water
- Both plant and animal contain large amounts of water.
The water is needed for all living things and 1.2 liters of water should be consumed during the day. For this reason, each student, through a small individual exercise, calculated the amount of water they consume per day. The expert also addressed issues such as: the most common water uses, water resources management in Albania, major issues in the world and in our country, the importance of clean water for people and their health.
After the end of the environmental education in class, we visited the thermal waters of Benja. Even though it was not the first time that pupils have visited these place, they always have new things to learn. It is well known that in ancient times these sulfur resources, come out from a deep tectonic rift, are different and originate on both sides of the Langarica River Canyon. Their curative values of certain diseases are valued as extraordinary, and many specialists call these resources the best curative water in Europe.
There are four thermal resources in Benja that treat rheumatism, kidney problems, skin problems and another for stomach health. The expert accompanying the students explained to them the ways to perform measurements on the physic-chemical analysis of surface waters.
This activity was realized by Milieukontakt Albania in cooperation with Vjosa Explorer Organisation in the frame of the project ” Initiative for Sustainable Tourism Development in Municipality of Permet” which has been awarded by the Regional Program on Local Democracy in
the Western Balkans – “ReLOaD” ” Supported by the European Union and implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).