Direktiva e Vlerësimit të Ndikimit në Mjedis

Direktiva e Vlerësimit të Ndikimit në Mjedis

Studim mbi përafrimin e legjislacionit shqiptar me direktivën e vlerësimit të ndikimit në mjedis: cilësia e raporteve, pjesëmarrja e publikut dhe aksesi në drejtësi. Ky studim përbën një vlerësim të mënyrës dhe nivelit të përafrimit të legjislacionit shqiptar për...
When municipalities manage waste without any management plan

When municipalities manage waste without any management plan

Concrete results are real indicators, that help civil society to lobby and enhance their work on environmental protection and preservation, serve as a promotor for central and local government, supporting policies and decisions for sustainable development, improving...
“Water conflict”

“Water conflict”

The main objective of this report is to assess the water-related conflict cases linked with hydropower development in the country. The assessment is based on data gathered using the Environmental Justice Organization, Liabilities and Trade (EJOLT) framework assessment...
Heating with wooden stoves, is it harmful?

Heating with wooden stoves, is it harmful?

For years we are and continue to warm up with wooden stoves. Mainly the south-eastern and northern areas of the country continue to keep alive the tradition of the wood stove where the fire starts to light up in November and goes off in March-April. The technology of...
Reusing/ recycling clothes – for a sustainable environment

Reusing/ recycling clothes – for a sustainable environment

A subject touched other times as well, which offers a lot to discuss on, the collecting of the clothes at the source and then reusing / recycling them seems to have become a reality in Tirana. Citizens have completed the first process, that of reuse, sometimes for...